Unraveling the Mystery of the ‘Good Pattern’ in Counter-Strike: A Community Perspective

Discover the community’s insights on the aesthetic value of a controversial MP7 pattern in the renowned game – Counter Strike.

Counter-Strike enthusiasts on an online forum lit up when the user ‘pedroaioros’ posted a query about an MP7 skin, specifically asking whether it had a good pattern. The MP7 is a well-known weapon in the game, and its skin patterns can be a point of debate among players. Pedroaioros’ MP7 skin was said to be a 98% fade.


  • Although user ‘AutoModerator’ responded with a standard comment about following rules, the community chimed in with diverse opinions on the MP7’s pattern.
  • Users ‘Orange_Dolphin’ and ‘gunshit’ responded negatively. Their comments suggest that the aesthetic appeal of in-game items can be subjective, regardless of percentage fade.
  • On a humorous note, ‘North_Summer5805’ poignantly reminded us that in the end, despite the debate, ‘it’s an MP7’.

Community Insights

Communities like this offer a space for players to seek advice and share their experiences. In this case, ‘Orange_Dolphin’ was quite clear in his response, ‘No it’s terrible’. Similarly ‘gunshit’ responded with a less than enthusiastic, ‘Probably not :-‘. Their reactions underscore the subjectivity within the game’s player based aesthetic preferences.

MP7 – A sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Noteworthy was user ‘North_Summer5805’s blunt remark, ‘doesn’t matter anyways, it’s an MP7’. Embedded within the comment is a hint of commentary on the MP7’s utility within the game. Regardless of a skin’s aesthetic appeal, the practicality of the weapon takes precedence. This demonstrates how gameplay strategy often holds sway over cosmetic allure.

Humor in Hindsight

‘Pedroaioros’ later commented about his own post, ‘I didn’t check the phrase when I wrote it. Sorry💀’. This humorous self-reflection adds a layer of lightheartedness to the conversation and shows the communal bonding among the game’s enthusiasts.

Overall, this brief episode unfolds a lively slice of the Counter-Strike community. It showcases the blend of subjective tastes, strategic insights, and a shared sense of humor that characterizes these discussions. While the utility of the MP7 or its pattern might not have reached a consensus, it’s clear that these exchanges form an integral part of the gaming experience.