The Enduring Appeal of ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’: A Community Perspective

Unearthing the sentiments and experiences of the ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ online player community.

In a recent discussion among the ‘Call of Duty’ community, players reminisced and shared their thoughts about the game’s older version named ‘Advanced Warfare’ (AW).


  • Perception around SBMM (Skill-based matchmaking) and effectiveness of hit-detection
  • Comparison with rival game, Titanfall
  • AW’s introduction of loot boxes and its lasting impact
  • Missed opportunities and potential for an Advanced Warfare sequel

The SBMM Conundrum & Hit Detection

As TheNorthman13K commented, Advanced Warfare marked the introduction of SBMM, suggesting the game felt ‘stale’. Yet, from another perspective, Icy-Computer7556 praised the game’s hit detection, suggesting it was superior to ‘Modern Warfare 3’.

Titanfall vs Advanced Warfare

There are clear comparisons between AW and rival game Titanfall. As Leafy-Greens420 points out, some players felt AW borrowed heavily from Titanfall’s gameplay mechanics. Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery or a sign of creative deficits?

The Loot Box Legacy

Notably, narfidy recalls AW being at the forefront of introducing the loot box mechanic to the franchise. This controversial feature has sparked debates around the ethics of loot boxes in the gaming industry.

The Sequel That Never Was

Given its impact and significant user base, it’s surprising that there isn’t an Advanced Warfare sequel. BenXGP highlights that Sledgehammer Games had pitched a sequel, but were redirected to focus on ‘Modern Warfare III’.

As players continue to take virtual trips down memory lane, the longing for a ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ sequel is palpable. Regardless of the contrasting perspectives on the game, AW continues to evoke a sense of nostalgia in its fans, which is a testament to its enduring appeal. The discussion threads are both a celebration of the game and a space for constructive critique, reminding us all that even in the highly competitive gaming world, every game leaves a lasting impact.