Speculations and Hopes for the Next Installment of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4

The gaming community shares opinions on what the future holds for the Modern Warfare series.

In the world-class gaming franchise, Call of Duty, what could possibly be the plot for the much-anticipated Modern Warfare 4? That is the question on everyone’s mind. Fans long for the return of beloved characters and anticipate exciting twists.


  • A sizeable number of fans are eagerly awaiting the return of characters Yuri and Roach.
  • Some players expressed desire for Makarov’s in-game demise, a departure from the usual cutscene finales.
  • A few are skeptical about the release of Modern Warfare 4.
  • There is a call for a reboot of original maps that were not included in the latest release.

The Return of Familiar Faces

A contributor going by the handle Unlucky-Scallion1289 expresses their expectation of seeing Roach, and hopefully Yuri too in the forthcoming game. Fans have fond memories of these characters, making their anticipation for the next release palpable.

A Change in Tradition?

Another interesting view shared by Careless-Link-3391 is that the tradition of cutscene demises should be changed, requesting for an in-game death for Makarov. This could potentially revolutionize the in-game experience and make it more immersive.

Navigating the Skepticism

While there is palpable excitement, there are still skeptics like NateW89 who are doubtful about the release of Modern Warfare 4. It is apparent that the developers have some convincing to do for these fans.

At the end of the day, whether excited or skeptic, the buzz surrounding the release of Modern Warfare 4 is undeniable. From the return of old characters to changing long-standing traditions, the wish list is long and varied. But one thing is for sure, the anticipation is real. So, here’s to hoping that Modern Warfare 4 not only meets but exceeds these expectations.