Mastering Supreme-level Counter-Strike: Hold Your Ground Against Pro Players

Getting antsy while playing against pros in Counter-Strike? Here’s how you overcome those jitters and hit your gameplay stride!

In a sharing from Counter-Strike player ‘FireSilicon’, he expresses both excitement and anxiety about playing against more experienced and higher-ranking players since the announcement of CS2 and the overhaul of Faceit’s matchmaking system.


  • Player feels intimidated, yet motivated, by high-ranking matches
  • Performance anxiety stems from the perceived judgment of others
  • Navigator to overcome the mental blockade involves moral support and personal growth

Community Responses

The sharing was met with immense support and encouragement. SwishSHEEEESH shared a simple, yet powerful wisdom, ‘Just don’t care’. They reminded FireSilicon that every professional player started somewhere, making their own mistakes along the way before achieving greatness.

Another user, King_marik, shared a parallel from professional League of Legends play. They noted that mental resistance is what holds players back from competing with top-tier players, and that one should concentrate on the tactics that got them to the rank they are at.

Practical Advice

Rootzcs endorsed the idea of playing with confidence and not being obsessed with opponent’s identities. The respondent suggested turning off names and pictures to reduce distraction. The advice underscored the sentiment; to overcome the nervousness, one must first dispel the illusion that the opponent is unbeatable.

Extension_Emu3078 imparted wisdom by referring to an interview of the late basketball legend, Kobe Bryant. Highlighting the maxims of ‘stop overthinking’ and ‘focus on yourself’, the user reminded FireSilicon that it’s more about the learning journey rather than the fear of judgment.

Shared Experiences

warhoe related with the opposite feeling. For them, playing against semi-pros or pro players seems to inspire growth and better gameplay, demonstrating that perspective can transform a negative situation into a strength. Another user, kvpshka, reinforced the importance of experience. They urged that continuing the grind would eventually make the sensation of playing on stream commonplace.

FireSilicon’s share was a beacon to many others facing similar nerves. It brought together a community, manifested the spirit of shared experience and fostered encouragement for their peers. Remembering one’s journey and the challenges overcome can make the steps ahead less daunting, as one user put it succinctly – ‘Just grind the game, when it’s your 100th game on stream it’s not a big deal anymore.’.