Is the Counter-Strike’s Biggest Tournament ‘Blast World Finals’ Worthy of Bo5 Matches?)

Exploration of a fierce Reddit debate about whether ‘Blast World Finals’ under Counter-Strike deserves a Bo5 setup.

When it comes to eSports and in particular Counter-Strike, few topics spark more heated discussion than tournament set-ups, specifically whether the ‘Blast World Finals’ living up to the hype of being one of the biggest tournaments, should transition to a Best of 5 (Bo5) format. The following discussion explores this trending topic.


  • The majority of players lean towards a Bo5 setup for Majors, Katowice, and Cologne tournaments.
  • There is a visible disappointment amongst eSport fans around the location choices for these grand events.
  • There is a general consensus that the ‘Blast World Finals’ feels identical to ‘Blast Fall Finals’, reducing their prestige.
  • Many fans believe that no grand event is too small for a Bo5 matchup.

The Bo5 Debate

With any popular game comes passionate fans. Counter-Strike has them in numbers, and they aren’t afraid to voice their thoughts. A Reddit user named ‘\’xavarLy’ sparked a heated debate around Bo5 settings. He believes that only the majors and high profile tournaments – namely Katowice, Cologne, and World Finals – should have a Bo5 final.

However, in a somewhat spicy response, eSports enthusiast ‘\’Ecstatic_Ebb1262’ jested a contrary opinion, arguing that the ‘Blast World Finals’ isn’t on the same prestige level as the other events mentioned.

Location, Location, Location

The location of these grand events is another contentious issue. ‘\’jordzkie05’, another user joked about the choice of location, blaming the lack of enthusiasm to the locale – Abu Dhabi. Games like Counter-Strike require a passionate crowd to create the necessary atmosphere, and some players believe Abu Dhabi is simply not invested enough in the game for it to thrive there.

The ‘Blast Fallout’

Although the debates seem quite heated, Counter-Strike fans occasionally rise above the noise and add constructive opinions. ‘\’darthrector’ mentioned that ‘Blast World Finals’ doesn’t generally hold big tournaments, which is why they stick with regular Bo3s and have interesting showmatches. Another user ‘\’RaspberryBandito’ expressed his love for Counter-Strike and asked for more Bo5 grand finals, highlighting the thirst fans have for more intense gameplay.

Well, that’s enough debate for one gaming session! The discussion is as heated as a Molotov cocktail, but it seems the love for Counter-Strike and the desire for the best possible experience is unmatched. Whether it’s Bo5, Bo3, or maybe even Bo7, one thing remains, Counter-Strike is a game people love to play, watch and engage in fervent debates about.