Genshin Impact Players Weigh In on Best Looking Namecards

Discover which namecards Genshin Impact players believe look the coolest following a heavenly climb.

In Genshin Impact, a well-crafted namecard holds bragging rights showcasing the player’s complete devotion to their craft. After a player raised a query on their favorite namecard, a lively discussion ensued, with fans sharing their preferences and experiences.


  • Players generally hold diverse opinions on the best namecard, each having a unique favorite.
  • Gameplay experience influenced player preferences.
  • Player’s favorite characters or achievements certainly played a role in their selection.

A Diversity of Favorites

Reactions from the Genshin Impact community were diverse. ‘Sesshou-Sakura’ rates Yae’s card highly but leans towards Jean’s background, most likely due to aesthetic preferences. Another fan, ‘lirTume‘ took a liking to Kokomi’s namecard, showing how favorite characters certainly influence opinion.

Gameplay Experience Influence

The experience of achieving certain objectives also plays a role in namecard preference, as seen with ‘imbusthul‘. They favor the namecard rewarded from the ‘coop boss achievement’. This suggests players value the rewards from grinding levels and achieving milestones.

The Aspect of Aesthetics

Visual appeal factored highly amongst the players. ‘Chickenuggies10‘ had a soft spot for ‘Lynette’s and Lyney’s’ design, praising the ‘cat-joker mascot’ as looking ‘so freakin good’. Genshin Impact’s design team definitely knows how to captivate players with Eye-catching designs!

Despite the diverse opinions, it’s clear that preferences for namecards in Genshin Impact are largely influenced by a blend of aesthetics, character favoritism and gameplay experiences. Not just a show-off tool, these badges of honor indeed hold a special place in the hearts of players, each telling a unique story about their journey in the expansive world of Teyvat.