Genshin Impact Players Express Their Wishlists for Hypothetical Lantern Rite Event

What if Genshin Impact’s Lantern Rite event offered a veritable wish list of characters? Find out what players had to say!

Genshin Impact players recently toyed with a ‘what if’ scenario on a popular online community centered around the game. The question: who would they pick in a hypothetical Lantern Rite event where any character was up for grabs?


  • User interest varies drastically, indicating a diverse players’ favorite character roster.
  • The Genshin Impact modal appears to favor collection and versatility.
  • The community engagement reflects high game immersion and keen interest in character lore as well as mechanics.

Diverse Preferences

Players’ choices ranged widely, reflecting the appeal of Genshin Impact’s diverse character lineup. imbusthul expressed a preference for Shenhe despite admitting, “I don’t even use cryo characters”. tiktoksuck eagerly requested Xiao, showcasing the fandom’s attraction towards dramatic and lore-heavy characters.

Collection and Versatility

The replies also hint at the allure of expanding character collections and enhancing gameplay versatility. killershack22‘s response indicated an enthusiasm for toying with character playstyles, stating, “I have all the others and dont need their cons. not that I need him, just wanna mess around with burgeon Tao more”.

Impact of in-Game Events

Another takeaway was the effect of in-game events and releases on the player’s decision-making. LivingASlothsLife cited poor timing of Zhongli’s banners as a determining factor in their wish, highlighting the significance of game event scheduling and character availability.

Game Immersion

The sheer volume and passion in the comments drive home how deeply some users are immersed in the Genshin Impact world. This level of engagement bodes well for the game’s longevity and the developers’ continued success in building an immersive and captivating environment that keeps players coming back for more.

So, it seems the wellspring of wishes for this hypothetical Lantern Rite event is deep and diverse, a testament to Genshin Impact’s captivating character designs, intricate lore, and engaging gameplay mechanics. Who knows, maybe the developers might take note and make this ‘what if’ scenario a reality?