In the rich, immersive world of Genshin Impact, a post by user FluffinessOverload recently stirred up a wave of speculation about the circumstances surrounding an intriguing in-game prophecy. It seems the community cannot help but wonder about the fate of, in the user’s own words, “the people living in the sewers of Fontaine city” following a foretold deluge.
- The question revolves around the likelihood of survival for the less fortunate inhabitants of Fontaine city during the flood.
- Arguments for their survival include established evacuation plans and the existence of an underwater blessing.
- On a funnier note, some argue that the people were in a paradoxical state of drowning and not drowning before we went to take a look.
- However, dissenting voices point to the potentially devastating force of the rushing water and the grim possibility of large-scale catastrophe.
Underwater Blessing or Drowning Paradox?
User MessoR178 had an optimistic view that the inhabitants might have received some form of underwater blessing, a godsend indeed, while Gyokuro091 trusts in the power of emergency plans.
More light-heartedly, DawnWynnard suggested a Schrodinger’s cat-like scenario, where the fate of the people stayed in a state of ‘drowned’ and ‘not drowned’ until observed.
The Grim Reality?
User Alcorailen and Krypton84not42 provide a more sobering perspective, emphasising the powerful force of rushing waters and the lethal consequences of being caught in such a deluge. Alcorailen’s darker headcanon paints a harrowing picture of a disaster-stricken Fontaine, where inhabitants would be ‘thrown around like feathers in a tornado’.
Addressing the topic with a touch of humor, Thatpervtako chimes in stating that ‘Poor people work in a different way… most of the time they don’t exist. So they’re fine ;)’
What’s the Verdict?
Genshin Impact, as a game, refrains from large-scale tragedy in its campaign. But as the game doesn’t specify, the fate of those in Fontaine’s sewers remains a mystery. Whether you subscribe to the optimistic theory of underwater blessings, are amused by the paradoxical theory, or lean towards the grim hypothesis of large-scale tragedy – all theories have their own allure.
Regardless, this speculation shows how truly immersive and thought provoking the world of Genshin Impact can be, leading its players to ponder the fate of its lesser-seen inhabitants, showing that every life matters. One can only hope that the characters and their stories continue to captivate, meaning more lively exchanges to come!