The community of Fortnite recently expressed their concerns about the new locker layout in the game, with a post from Ok-Maintenance3782 sparking lively discussions. The primary issue identified by most users is the new complexity that has been introduced, removing the previous simplistic and easily accessible design.
- The increased complexity of character customization has been highlighted as unnecessarily time-consuming
- Frustration concerning divided categories such as emotes, wraps, and banners
- Confusion caused by merged presets from different game modes
- General dissatisfaction about the elimination of the shuffle option
Increased Complexity
User xcrimsonlegendx expressed annoyance with the separation of emotes, wraps and banners from the skins, making the loadout selection much more arduous than previously. Similarly, Chromeglow called the UI change one of the worst they have ever seen, transforming a previously simple and intuitive process into a complicated and time-consuming endeavour.
Merged Presets
In addition to the aforementioned problems, Zig-Zagged and rivia_jr1 aren’t too thrilled about consolidated presets from Save The World and Battle Royale game modes. This merger led to many Battle Royale presets being overwritten and users having to put in extra hours to rebuild.
Removal of Shuffle
The removal of the shuffle option was another heated topic. User ninanien stated, “I’m not going back to the lobby after every match just to pick a new skin…”, echoing a sentiment that many users have found frustrating about the new locker interface.
All things considered, it’s evident that the locker redesign has made waves within Fortnite’s player base. The resounding consensus is a longing to return to simpler times. For now, the community continues to adapt and for some, frustration grows. Perhaps Epic Games will take these complaints to heart in designing future updates, preserving the immersive fun without the added homework.