Genshin Impact, a name that has been dominating the gaming world for quite some time now. A recent post by Responsible_Paper667 on the game’s forum has triggered an intriguing discussion around the initial perceptions players had before stepping into this imaginative world.
- Optical Illusions: Players had diverse initial impressions ranging from viewing it as a gacha game to an anime-like BOTW adaptation. Such preconceptions influenced their decision to either play the game or pass it up.
- A Tale of Two Switches: The comparison to BOTW and availability on different platforms enticed players to try Genshin Impact rather than investing in new gaming systems.
- Expectancy vs Reality: Those unfamiliar with gacha games had to adjust their expectations when they realized they couldn’t acquire characters like Diluc simply through regular gameplay.
First Impressions
The user allsoslol was quick to pin down the game as a ‘free anime zelda botw clone’, highlighting the common perception dominating before delving into the game. Similarly, FistMage‘s sentiment echoes this thought, expecting to enjoy Genshin Impact due to their love for ‘BotW’.
Surprised by the Gacha Element
Other users like Extinctkid were unaware of Genshin being a gacha game and went through a bit of learning curve to understand the game’s mechanics after stepping in with conventional RPG expectations.
The Impact of Genshin
Regardless of initial thoughts, the game’s appeal is unquestionable. GeForce_GTX_1050Ti was sold on its ‘open world anime’ dimension while staryshine confesses to being plunged into compulsive collection and striving to unlock all achievements.
So there you have it, folks – Genshin Impact, a game wrapped up in the enigma of preconceptions, sends players on a journey where they navigate through surprises, adapt their expectations, and engage in immersive gameplay that goes beyond initial impressions.