Online fans of the popular action RPG, Genshin Impact, recently gathered to hash out their rankings of various region stories within the game. One unused player ‘inkheiko’ sparked the discussion, sparking interesting debate about the appeal of recently announced region Fontaine, and the quality of storytelling in the game overall.
- There is clear consensus among Genshin Impact fans that Fontaine’s tale stands out in quality compared to all other regions.
- Discussion participants also appear to agree that each successive region’s narrative surpasses the previous one, with a lone exception mentioned here and there.
- Contrary to Fontaine and newer regions, older regions like Mondstadt and Liyue are not as uniformly well-loved among the fans.
Fan Favourite – Fontaine
According to user ‘K0KA42‘, ‘Fontaine’s story is better than any before it.’ High praise, indeed. The sentiment is echoed by other community members like ‘Wodstarfallisback‘, who claims that Fontaine, (which is amusingly also its English name), is straight up ‘THAT good’.
The Good and the Bad
User ‘Kernp‘, offers a detailed ranking of the regions from Sumeru to Liyue, saying ‘Sumeru was great all around for me…Fontaine was a close second for me…Mondstadt’s story (is) very generic…Inazuma is weird…Liyue felt like you are just doing busywork for 90% of the quest.’ Every consensus, it seems, comes with its grains of salt.
Other Regions
Amid the discussion, other regions also had their champions. ‘PointlessPotion‘, stated, ‘I think Sumeru is still a step above Fontaine.’ Yet, it’s clear that all regions seem to have their pros and cons based on individual player experiences and preferences.
Overall, it appears that Genshin Impact’s unfolding stories have successfully held the community’s attention, featuring a variety of appealing worlds and characters for fans to immerse themselves into. Whether Fontaine reigns supreme or Sumeru stealthily steals the spotlight, the charm of Genshin Impact continues to entertain its player base. A mix of adventure, action, and story-telling – this popular RPG truly has a little something for everyone.