Can You Purchase Fortnite on the Epic Games Store and Play It on PS4?: Unraveling Myth from Reality

Unveiling the truth behind purchasing Fortnite from the Epic Games website and playing it on your PS4.

One Fortnite fan, BLIVCK, recently queried, ‘If I buy this on the Epic Games website, can I play it on PS4?’


  • Fortnite purchase from the Epic Games store can be accessed on PS4 post-purchase, as confirmed by several players.
  • There are possible workaround solutions for playing Fortnite purchased from Epic Games platform on PS4.
  • Players can still find Fortnite on the PlayStation Store.

Purchasing Process

Credit to ItzyaboiElite, he noted that you might need to log into Fortnite on a PC at least once after buying for further access on PS4. Interestingly, using a mobile device on Geforce Now should also suffice as it employs your Epic library.

PlayStation Experience

According to Old_Carob_9768, the game can be played on a PS4 once purchased from the Epic Games webpage. All the player would need is to download some additional game elements on their console. Further echoing this, BiscuitBarrel179 explained that the game links with your Epic Games account and can thus be utilized on a PC, Xbox, and PlayStation with consistent use of this account..

PlayStation Store Availability

ElectriCole was able to shed additional light on the presence of Fortnite in the PlayStation Store. According to this user, the game can be found in the item shop along with other bundles and can be chosen in-game, directing the player to the PlayStation Store for checkout.

Parting Pixel

What we’ve gathered from this community dialogue is that it’s indeed possible to purchase Fortnite through the Epic Games website and still get to play it on PS4. Furthermore, the game’s accessibility extends beyond PS4 – thanks to the Epic Games account linkage, you could play it on your PC or Xbox too. So Fortnite fans, let not the pursuit of wisdom end. Continue to question, query and conquer your virtual world; who knows, next time it could be you sharing that indispensable gem of game knowledge.